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Friday, 3 February 2012


Android users are optimistic about their future Recent survey reveals 28 per cent of Android smartphone users and 36 per cent of Android tablet users are always optimistic about their future
Monday, January 16, 2012 Email Print Comments RSS LAS VEGAS, USA: Gazelle, largest consumer electronics direct-to-consumer reCommerce service has announced the results of a survey that polled show-floor attendees to reveal connections between mobile phone ownership and one's outlook on life during Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2012. The survey aimed to draw a correlation between one's level of optimism or pessimism and the smartphone and tablet one owns. The results were particularly telling and, amongst the juiciest of findings, the survey pointed to the fact that 29 per cent of iPhone owners expect the best in uncertain times, 3 per cent more than the next set of users (Android), said a press release. The study also showed that 33 per cent of BlackBerry users hardly ever expect things to go their way, suggesting an overall malaise amongst BlackBerry users. Research also found that iPhone users were particularly resilient in these tough economic conditions with 36 per cent saying they don't get upset too easily, even during difficult economic times. Because Gazelle accepts hundreds of thousands of consumer electronic trade-ins each year, the company serves as a unique barometer of U.S. consumer electronics consumption habits. Gazelle is using CES to celebrate collective consumer love for gadgets and to better understand, with a twist, the sociology behind certain Smartphone and tablet users. Below is a more in-depth look at how Apple, Android, BlackBerry, and Windows Phone users view their life outlook: Android users are generally optimistic and active * 28 per cent of Android smartphone users and 36 per cent of Android tablet users are always optimistic about their future * 48 per cent of Android smartphone users and 64 per cent of Android tablet users think it's important to keep busy * 31 per cent of Android smartphone users and 55 per cent of Android tablet users often expect more good things to happen than bad * 18 per cent of Android smartphone users and 27 per cent of Android tablet users don't get upset too easily Next: iPhone and iPad users are optimistic, calm and also social...

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